通用 LCD 驱动与控制电路 BL55077(A), BL55077 Replace PCF8576.

• 单片 LCD 控制器/驱动器

 背极驱动方式:静态或 2、3、4 复合



• 串行数据接口 

 4 背极,40 段极输出

 40x4 共 160 位显存 

 低功耗设计,节电模式下 5V 动态工作电流为 14μA,

   3.3V 动态工作电流为 9μA;

   通过指令设置 SLEEP 模式时,电流约为 1.5μA

 可级联至最多 16 个器件


 VLCD 引脚调整 LCD 工作电压


• 兼容 TTL/COMS 电平

 先进的低压 CMOS 工艺

 高抗 EMC 性能

 LQFP-64 封装形式

PCF8576 PCF8576.pdf



 Single-chip LCD controller and driver

 40 segment drives:

 Up to twenty 7-segment alphanumeric characters 

 Up to ten 14-segment alphanumeric characters

 Any graphics of up to 160 elements 

 Versatile blinking modes

 No external components required 

  (even in multiple device applications) 

 Selectable backplane drive configuration: 

   static, 2, 3, or 4 backplane multiplexing

 Selectable display bias configuration: static, 1⁄ 2, or 1⁄ 3 

 Internal LCD bias generation with voltage-follower buffers

 40 x 4-bit RAM for display data storage

 Auto-incremented display data loading 

  across device subaddress boundaries 

 Display memory bank switching 

   in static and duplex drive modes

 Wide logic LCD supply range:

 From 2 V for low-threshold LCDs 

 Up to 6 V for high-threshold twisted nematic LCDs 

 Low power consumption 

 May be cascaded for large LCD applications 

  (up to 2560 elements possible) 

 No external components required 

 Separate or combined LCD and logic supplies 

 Optimized pinning for plane wiring in both

   single and multiple PCF8576C applications 

 Power-saving mode for extremely low power 

   consumption in battery-operated and telephone applications

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