Up to 24V Supply, 4-A Dual Channel High Speed Low Side Driver,SCT52242 Replace UCC27523.

 Wide Supply Voltage Range: 4.5V - 24V 

 4A Peak Source Current and 4A Peak SinkCurrent

 Stackable Output for Higher Driving Capability

• Negative Input Voltage Capability: Down to -5V

 TTL Compatible Input Logic Threshold

 Propagation Delay: 13ns

 Typical Rising and Falling Times: 8ns 

 Typical Delay Matching: 1ns

 Low Quiescent Current: 55µA

 Output Low When Input Floating

 Independent Enable Logic for Each Channel 

 Thermal Shutdown Protection: 170°C

 Available in SOP-8 Package

UCC27523 UCC27523.pdf



 Industry-Standard Pinout

 Two Independent Gate-Drive Channels

 5-A Peak Source and Sink-Drive Current

 Independent-Enable Function for Each Output

 TTL and CMOS Compatible Logic Threshold

 Independent of Supply Voltage

 Hysteretic-Logic Thresholds for High Noise Immunity

 Inputs and Enable Pin-Voltage Levels 

  Not Restricted by VDD Pin Bias Supply Voltage

 4.5-V to 18-V Single-Supply Range

 Outputs Held Low During VDD-UVLO, (Ensures 

  Glitch-Free Operation at Power up and Power Down)

 Fast Propagation Delays (13-ns Typical)

 Fast Rise and Fall Times (7-ns and 6-ns Typical)

 1-ns Typical Delay Matching Between Two Channels

 Two Outputs are in Parallel for Higher Drive Current

 Outputs Held Low When Inputs Floating

 PDIP (8), SOIC (8), MSOP (8) PowerPAD™ and

 3-mm × 3-mm WSON-8 Package Options

 Operating Temperature Range of –40°C to 140°C

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