Triple Channels, Standard Definition
SGM9149 SGM9149.pdf



 Triple 5th-Order 13MHz (SD) Filters

 Transparent Input Clamping

 6dB Output Driver Gain

 Rail-to-Rail Output

 Input Voltage Range Includes Ground

 AC- or DC-Coupled Inputs

 AC- or DC-Coupled Outputs

 Operates from 3.0V to 5.5V Power Supply

 Supply Current (7mA/Channel) 21mA Total Supply Current

 Available in Green SOIC-8 and MSOP-8 Packages

 -40℃ to +85℃ Operating Temperature Range


The SGM9149 is a low voltage, triple channel video amplifier with integrated reconstruction filters and input clamps. Specially suited for standard definition video signals, this device is ideal for a wide range of television and set-top box applications. SGM9149 offers 6dB gain rail-to-rail output driver and 5th-order output reconstruction filter on all three channels. It has a -3dB bandwidth of 13MHz and 61V/μs slew rate. SGM9149 provides improved image quality compared with passive LC filters and discrete drivers solution. Operating from single power supply ranging from 3.0V to 5.5V and sinking a low 21mA quiescent current, the SGM9149 is ideally suited for battery powered applications.

SGM9149 can be DC-coupled or AC-coupled with input video signal, such as the output stage of DAC to eliminate out-of-band noise. The output in SGM9149 can be configured as DC- or AC-coupled output.

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