High Precision Operational Amplifier
SGM8956 SGM8956.pdf



• Low 0.1Hz to 10Hz Noise: 2μVP-P

• Quiescent Current: 20μA/Amplifier (TYP) 

• Integrated RFI Filter 

• Single-Supply Operation 

• Supply Voltage Range: 1.8V to 5.5V 

• Rail-to-Rail Input and Output 

• -40℃ to +125℃ Operating Temperature Range 

• Small Packaging: 

  SGM8956 Available in Green SOIC-8, MSOP-8 

  and TDFN-3×3-8L


The single SGM8955 and dual SGM8956 CMOS operational amplifiers provide very low offset voltage and zero-drift over time and temperature. The miniature, high-precision, low quiescent current amplifiers offer high-impedance inputs that have a wide input common mode range 100mV beyond the rails and rail-to-rail output that swings within 14mV of the rails. Single or dual supplies as low as +1.8V (±0.9V) and up to +5.5V (±2.75V) may be used. It is optimized for low voltage, single-supply operation.

The SGM8955/6 offer excellent CMRR without the crossover associated with traditional complementary input stages. This design results in superior performance for driving analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) without degradation of differential linearity.The dual SGM8956 is available in Green SOIC-8, MSOP-8 and TDFN-3×3-8L packages.

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