• Ultra Low Power Consumption:
• Available in Green SOT-23-5 and SC70-5 Packages
The SGM8701 is an ultra low power comparator with a typical power supply current of 300nA. It has the best-in-class power supply current versus propagation delay performance. The propagation delay is as low as 6μs with 100mV overdrive at 1.4V supply. Designed to operate over a wide range of supply voltages, from 1.4V to 5.5V, with guaranteed operation at 1.4V, 2.5V and 5.0V, the SGM8701 is ideal for use in a variety of battery-powered applications. With rail-to-rail common mode voltage range, the SGM8701 is well suited for single-supply operation. Its small packages make this device ideal for use in handheld electronics and mobile phone applications.
Featuring a push-pull output stage, the SGM8701 allows for operation with absolute minimum power consumption when driving any capacitive or resistive load. SGM8701 is available in Green SOT-23-5 and SC70-5 space-saving packages. It is rated over the -40°C to +85°C temperature range.